Learn My Secret Strategies That I Have used To Help Over 3,000 people Reverse Diabetes, Send It Into Remission, and Go Off Medication, Without Giving Up On Carbs.

Will it be okay if I show you the exact step-by-step process that I have used to help over 3,000 diabetic patients Reverse their Type 2 Diabetes and lower their HBA1C Living life free from medications, pain, and fear of ever developing diabetes complications like kidney problems, blindness, nerve issues, fatty liver, and organ failure, will you be interested?

If you answered YES, then this upcoming LAGOS CONFERENCE is a must event for you to attend

Hello there! I am Okoro Adaku, a Diabetes Nutritionist, a Cell Biologist, and a Geneticist.

Are you diabetic or Pre-diabetic

Are you trying to learn the exact lifestyle to prevent diabetes

Are you newly diagnosed or have had diabetes for years?

Do you have family member or a family history of diabetes?

Are you tired of taking diabetic meds and their side effects

Have you tried everything but nothing worked

Are you thinking of giving up

Look no further as you are about to learn my secret strategies as never seen anywhere on the internet which I have used to help over 3,000 people reverse their Type 2 Diabetes and go off medications for life


After losing my parents to complications of diabetes, and my 9 months old pregnancy to Gestational Diabetes (Diabetes in pregnancy), I decided to futher study Nutrition and Dietetics, so that i can be able to help other diabetes sufferers heal and reverse diabetes, so that they don't have to go through what I and my late parents went through.

So far, in my 10 years experience of working with diabetic patients, i have been able to help over 3000 diabetics reverse their Type 2 Diabetes.

Some Of My Clients Transformation Story

Client 1 transformation Story

Client 1 transformation Story

Client 1 transformation Story

Client 1 transformation Story

Client 1 transformation Story

Client 2 transformation Story

Client 2 transformation Story

Client 2 transformation Story

Client 2 transformation Story

Client 2 transformation Story

Client 2 transformation Story

Client 2 transformation Story

Client 3 transformation Story

Client 3 transformation Story

Client 3 transformation Story

Client 3 transformation Story

Client 4 transformation Story

Client 4 transformation Story

Client 4 transformation Story

Client 4 transformation Story

Client 4 transformation Story

Client 5 transformation Story

Client 5 transformation Story

Client 5 transformation Story

Client 5 transformation Story

Client 5 transformation Story


EJIKE'S Transformation Story

EJIKE'S Transformation Story

EJIKE'S Transformation Story


Transformation Story

EJIKE'S Transformation Story

EJIKE'S Transformation Story

EJIKE'S Transformation Story

More Reviews

More Reviews

More Reviews

More Reviews

More Reviews

More Reviews

In this upcoming

Lagos conference, I will be teaching and showing you how I was able to help these clients and many others achieve these types of results.

Here is What You Will Be Learning (Have a Sneak Peak)

Understanding diabetes and the importance of early intervention.

How to create your own unique antidiabetes meal plan to prevent and reverse diabetes.

How your BMI plays a role in causing diabetes and the exact steps you need to take to reverse and maintain it.

How to decode and understand food labels to avoid blood sugar spikes and to know the exact products that are blood sugar-friendly.

The best way to eat carbohydrates and the best time to eat them without experiencing any spike in blood sugar.

The exact herbs to take before and after food that help to prevent high blood sugar after food and the reason why I recommend them.

How to eat all fruits and vegetables, foods, and nuts without experiencing high blood sugar.

The best way to do intermittent fasting without fear of ulcer in order to reverse diabetes.

The reason why your fasting blood sugar is always high in the morning and what you can do to stop it permanently.

Importance of exercise and the type of exercise that works specifically for diabetes reversal and why.

Two important types of vegetables I have used for my clients in the Addys diabetes reversal program that helped them reverse diabetes quickly and why they are unique and different from other vegetables. These two important vegetables can be sourced locally.

The green antioxidant smoothie recipe formula i invented that can be very filling and also helps with diabetes reversal, and the reason why this formula is the best for diabetes reversal.

List of Nigerian foods like yam, rice, beans, plantain etc and their portion measurements that wouldn't spike up blood sugar.

What you need to do at night when you feel hungry or peckish in order to avoid high fasting blood sugar in the morning

Low-carb diabetic pantry stocking guide.

Best cooking method for diabetes reversal and tips for eating healthy and sticking to it.

The secret juice recipe that helps to burn visceral fats which is the root cause of insulin resistance and how to prepare it.

How to monitor blood sugar as it improves and after reversal

My Secret strategies on how I was able to help over 3000 diabetic reverse diabetes and finally go off meds


👉 How to use the Sodom Apple leaf to reduce high blood sugar

Listen to what some of my clients have to say

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Why do you urgently need to start your own Diabetes Reversal journey like these awesome clients of mine?

The answer is simple...

Let's do the maths...

According to research

👉 If you are diagnosed of diabetes at Age 65 Years and above, your lifetime spending on treating diabetes and diabetes complications, hospital visits, infections, etc is about ₦27 million.

👉 If you are diagnosed of diabetes at Age 55-64 Years Old = 36 million Naira

👉 If you are diagnosed of diabetes at Age 45-54 Years Old = 45 million Naira

👉 If you are diagnosed of diabetes at Age 24-44 Years Old = 36 million naira

This might actually be higher than the estimated value.

If you have read this to this point, then you have only 2 options.

Option 1

Don't believe diabetes is reversible, go back and continue taking your medications for life, hoping that someday magic will happen. I hope complications don't set in before you realize it.


Option 2

Join over 3,000 people who have used my strategies to reverse their type 2 diabetes, and are finally free from medications

If I were you, I would go for option 2.

So how much is this conference going for?

Original fee is ₦250,000

For Early Birds, pay ₦150,000 Now and Save ₦53.9 million on medication fee for the rest of your life.

Early bird closes in few hours.


We have limited Slots available.


When is the conference Date?

The Date will be communicated in the last week of July.

Can i attend even if i am not diabetic?

Yes you can, the knowledge shared here is for reversal and prevention of diabetes

How can i register for the conference?

Please Fill out the form below to register

Aside from the registration fee is there any associated cost for attending the conference?

There will be no other associated cost you will have access to materials, and meals for free.

Where will the conference be held?

It will be held in Lagos, the location will be communicated two weeks before the day of the event

Is there a virtual attendance option available ?

Yes, you can attend virtually if you can't make it to the physical event

After the conference can i still have access to Addys in case i have more questions?

Yes, you have lifetime access to Addys

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